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Cannabis Food and Drink Guide

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Stains Dispensary Perris Cannabis Food & Drink Guide

Cannabis products found commonly at Strains Dispensary Perris come in a variety of consumables featuring both food and drink. We invite you to take the average cannabis smoking experience to the next level of consumption quality and therapeutic value by considering how cannabis foods and drinks might improve or better serve your current cannabis consumption method. 

Cannabis Food and Drink = Edibles

Edibles are all cannabis-infused products taken orally including foods and drinks of all kinds and flavors. No matter if you’re eating a cannabis-infused cookie or drink, they all qualify as edibles. We carry an impressive selection of cannabis edibles, such as CHILL Chocolate and Emerald Sky,  in a selection of foods and drinks perfect for meeting individual tastes.    

Cannabis-Infused Butter 

Cannabis oil is lipid-soluble and requires a carrying oil to bind to when making foods. Most cannabis foods and drinks are made with a special butter that has been infused by cannabis oil containing all of the cannabinoids extracted from the flower. When making cookie edibles, infused butter is used in lieu of traditional butter so that the resulting cookies contain the cannabinoids needed. 


Candy is preferred among those seeking a delivery system for quick, tasty, and effective dosing. No matter if you prefer chocolate or gummies, we have a large selection of chocolate candy and gummies infused with cannabis perfect for you! 


Cannabis-infused beverages offer convenient precision dosing and a selection of flavors taking the scene by storm meeting individual drink preferences including root-beer flavored soda, fruit punch elixir, or wildberry guava quencher.  Dixie Brand offers delicious and natural THC elixirs.


Baked Goods (Cookies & Brownies) 

Cannabis consumers often introduce baked goods into their wellbeing regimen because who doesn’t like a good cookie or brownie infused with their favorite cannabinoid? Baked goods offer the benefits of pleasurable consumption with an oral delivery system that escapes the negatives of smoking. 

Gluten & Dairy Restricted Food 

Those with gluten and dairy restrictions can find it difficult to secure their cannabis foods and drinks due to dietary requirements. The cannabis industry has been pretty good at introducing gluten and dairy-free products to meet the needs of such patients and we carry several at our dispensary in Perris. 


We Welcome You Into Strains Dispensary of Perris

If you know that a particular cannabis product is best for you, we invite you to consider our full menu of cannabis products featuring all of the common forms, concentrations, and routes of administration. Our customers can rest assured that if they need flowers or another cannabis product, we have the cannabinoid medicine needed in the form desired and in the most-effective concentration that gets the job done.

Woman partaking in edibles from her local Temecula dispensary

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Gold colored cans with a marijuana leaf sitting on top

Benefits of Drinking Cannabis?

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Freshly ground weed in a weed grinder

How to Grind Weed

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