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What Are Cannabis Drinks From a Cannabis Drinks Dispensary?

Generally, they’re exactly what they sound like: beverages infused with THC. However, some do consider CBD-infused drinks to fall under the cannabis drink category. Technically speaking this is incorrect. Only beverages that contain cannabis’ active ingredient, THC, qualify as cannabis drinks. CBD drinks may prove calming and delicious to many consumers, but they have no psychoactive effect and do not appear on THC drug screenings. On the other hand, THC-infused cannabis drinks do show up on a drug test and will produce a high. Keep reading to learn how cannabis drinks are made and how they compare to alcohol. 

How Are Cannabis-Infused Drinks Made?

Cannabis infusion is a science. By adding liquid carbon dioxide to an unprocessed cannabis material while it’s under intense heat and pressure, THC nanoparticles eventually fuse with the liquid base being used. In this case, the liquid base is a tasty Strains Dispensary beverage. 

How Long Do Cannabis Drinks Take to Kick in?

When dosed at around 10 milligrams (mg) of THC per serving, typical cannabis drink effects commence noticeable side effects within 10-20 minutes. Full-serving effects can take up to one hour to notice. No matter how much cannabis you’re consuming in a concentrated time, it’s important to take your dosages slowly and with caution.

How Do Cannabis Drinks Compare to Alcoholic Beverages?

Utilize this simple chart below to understand how cannabis drink dosages compare to alcoholic drinks regarding strength. 

THC Vs. Alcohol Comparative Dosage Chart

THC Dosage

Alcoholic Dosage/Approximate Equivalent

2-5mg THC beverage 

3%-5% alcoholic beverage

Ex: Heineken Light

5-10mg THC beverage

6%-8% alcoholic beverage

Ex: Strong IPA

25mg THC beverage 

Approximately one bottle of wine

100mg THC 

Approximately one bottle of 80-proof vodka

cannabis drink in a mug

Browse Strains Dispensary Cannabis Drink Selection Near Hemet

We love to recommend our delicious THC-infused drinks here at Strains Dispensary. They’re an excellent option for cannabis consumers who struggle to process or enjoy alcohol. Our budtenders wholly respect all of Hemet’s hardworking bartenders, but we know we can recommend amazing THC alternatives to alcoholic drinks. Contact us today to taste THC in new and rewarding ways!

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Young man smoking and relaxing in bed

Indica Dispensary Near Me

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Woman adding a THC tincture in her tea

Will Tinctures Help Me Focus?

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