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What are Rolling Papers?

Rolling papers envelop cannabis flower for smoking. Like the cowboys on old westerns rolled cigarettes to smoke, the same rolling papers are used to roll joints to smoke cannabis. Popular rolling paper companies like Zig Zag marketed rolling papers for tobacco users despite the highest demand for their product coming from cannabis enthusiasts. Cannabis legalization has increased demand for rolling papers with many companies competing with a wide variety of materials, shapes, colors, sizes, and flavors.

What Rolling Papers are Healthier?

Cannabis enthusiasts are often influenced by health factors when selecting the rolling paper best for them. Many rolling papers are chemical-free with food-based options made from rice and other natural ingredients. The most popular healthy rolling paper option at Strains Dispensary are RAW rolling papers that are 100% hemp fiber and vegan.

Rolling Paper Benefits

Rolling papers have been a preferred cannabis-consumption method for decades. They offer some advantages over other options that explain their popularity:

  • Easy to control the dose
  • Compact
  • Portability

Rolling Paper Health Drawbacks

Rolling papers have drawbacks compared to other options in light of consumer preferences and health. Rolling papers require combustion to consume cannabis flower. This means breathing in combusted fumes from burning paper. No matter what the rolling papers are made from smoking paper can irritate the lungs, cause mucus buildup, and promote coughing.

Types of Rolling Papers

Strains Dispensary Perris, CA carries a wide variety of rolling papers perfect for meeting our customers’ individual preferences. We organized an overview of the major rolling paper types:
  • Hemp Rolling Papers – Hemp is naturally an excellent rolling paper option for health and the environment. They are made with 100% all-natural hemp fiber and other natural materials such as tree gum for a healthier, tasteless smoking experience.
  • Wood Pulp – This is the traditional rolling paper class where the Zig-Zag brand has dominated for decades. They are a paper made from wood pulp and some contain additives to slow the burning rate. They are usually white but some are brown. Although they are the most popular rolling papers and cheaper, they offer a lower quality experience because burnt wood pulp affects the taste.
  • Rice – Rice rolling papers are made from food-safe ingredients. They are slightly more expensive than wood-pulp papers but cost less than hemp.
  • Colored & Flavored – These rolling papers are not as popular but come with sensationalized marketing and product. Colored rolling papers can be transparent or any color but are often flavored with orange, mint, or bubblegum. Consumers generally perceive these rolling papers as less healthy as we just don’t know what health affects the color and flavor additives have.

Pro Joint Rolling Tip: Use a Grinder & Automatic Roller

The best partners for good rolling papers are a grinder and automatic roller. Grinders do exactly what it sounds like: they grind up cannabis flower to the best consistency for rolling. Automatic rollers make for easy joint rolling with a consistent distribution of ground flower.

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