Best Cannabis Edibles to Make at Home

cannabis chocolate chip cookie

Best Cannabis Edibles to Make at Home

If you have just gotten some canna-butter or cooking oil, or if you have made your own, you are probably looking for something to make! Edibles are great for relaxation, pain relief, euphoria, increasing appetite, depression, anxiety, and more

Note of caution from the knowledgeable budtenders at Strains Dispensary of Perris: take it easy with high-THC edibles and apply conservative dosing when using for the first time. Shake, such as from High Supply, is often used as an ingredient for cooking and making edibles. You can also check out CHILL Chocolate and Dixie Brand products for delicious edible treats.

How to Make Cannabis Cooking Oil and Butter

Cannabis Butter

Making Your Own Cannabis Cooking Oil and Butter

Whether it is a slow day or you are stuck out home, cooking with cannabis is a great way to spend some of your time. If you do not have cannabutter or oil already, don’t worry, if you have some flower you can make your own!


Cannabis Cooking Oil


Cannabis cooking oil is easy to make and can be used in any recipe of your choice. All you need is flower and any high-fat oil of your choice. If you are looking for an oil with a mild flavor, vegetable and canola oil are going to be great options. They are also very versatile and work with most recipes calling for oil.



  1. Finely grind your cannabis flower.
  2. Combine oil and cannabis in a 1:1 ratio (Example: 1 cup of ground cannabis to 1 cup of oil) in a saucepan, double boiler, or slower cooker.
  3. Let the mixture simmer at low heat for about 3 hours in the saucepan, 6-8 hours in the double boiler, or 4-6 hours in the slow cooker. (Yes, your home will smell amazing!)
  4. Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth, coffee filter, or fine-mesh strainer, do not squeeze as it may cause the leftover flower to fall into your oil.
  5. Oil should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container, preferably glass, for the next 2-3 months.


Decarboxylate the cannabis

First, you’ll need to decarboxylate your flower. It sounds difficult, but all it means exposing it to a gentle heat to transform the allowing the THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids to activate. It allows the butter to easily bind to your week for ultimate infusion.


  1. Preheat your oven to 225°F.
  2. Grind your cannabis as finely as you can.
  3. Evenly spread your flower on sheet pan or baking dish.
  4. Place in the oven for 45 minutes, gently mixing it every 10 minutes to prevent burning.

On to making butter

Butter to Cannabis Ratio: We recommend using 1 stick of butter for every 0.25 ounces (7.09 g) of marijuana. So for an ounce of marijuana, you should use 4 sticks of butter.



  1. Fill your saucepan with 2 inches of water, bring it to a boil and add your butter.
  2. After the butter has melted, grind your flower and add it. Once the cannabis is added, turn down the heat to barely a simmer. Cook for three hours, steering the mixture occasionally.
  3. Set up your heatproof bowl to hold the finished product. Carefully, strain the mixture into the bowl, through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer.
  4. Let the mixture cool at room temperature for about one hour. Then, place it in the fridge until the butter has solidified and separated from the water.
  5. Remove from the fridge and run a knife or spatula around the edge of the bowl, lifting the butter off the water.
  6. Place the bowl upside down on a piece of parchment paper and scrape off any of the plant matter and milk solids.
  7. Your canna-butter is ready to use! Store it in the refrigerator or freezer in a sealed container.

looking for recipes?

If you are looking for some recipes now to use your cannabutter or oil, check out our top 10 edible recommendations!

Side Effects of Using Cannabis

What are the side effects of using cannabis?

At Strains Dispensary Perris, our knowledgeable budtenders know that getting the most out of a therapeutic cannabis intervention occurs when the rewards are maximized and side effects minimized. Knowing the side effects of specific forms of cannabis allow our customers to balance the risks and rewards to improve their condition. Although we would love to argue that cannabis is a plant free of risks that only improves lives, the truth is that several proven risks are worth discussing no matter the depth of your cannabis love. Cannabis poses an increased risk of side effects for those with mental health conditions, lung & cardiovascular disease, compromised immune system, and during pregnancy/breastfeeding.

Mental Health Conditions

Those with mental health diagnoses, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder are at greater risk for worsening mental health when consuming cannabis. Cannabis can potentially make manic symptoms worse or those with anxiety can have panic attacks. One of the known side effects of using cannabis is the worsening of current mental health symptoms.  

Smoking in General

Smoking anything comes with increased carcinogens and smoking combusted plant material increases the risk of smoking-related side effects no matter how crystallized the flowers. If you are prone to lung sensitivities, such as coughing or wheezing, or have a lung disease such as COPD, smoking can cause unpleasant lung and breathing side effects. 

Pregnancy & Breast Feeding

It is not safe to smoke during pregnancy and we don’t recommend breastfeeding due to how the chemicals can pass into breast milk.

Heart Disease

Studies have shown that smoking cannabis can increase heart rate and blood pressure with higher doses of THC. Smoking cannabis has also been correlated with the increased risk of a heart attack despite CBD being found to decreased heart rate and blood pressure when given in isolated acute doses. Given the risks and need for future research, we don’t recommend those diagnosed with a heart condition to consume cannabis unless under the supervision of a qualified doctor. 

Immune System

Some chemicals produced when smoking cannabis can weaken immune function. Since this can make it difficult to fight infections, it might not be a great idea to smoke cannabis with a compromised immune system and another cannabis product such as edibles or vape cartridges might be better.


A recent study of the patrons leaving Strains Dispensary Perris proves that access to cannabis products of the highest quality almost always induces smiling and giddiness.

10 Cannabis Plant Facts

Person holding bud of marijuana with open sky and field in background

10 Cannabis plant Facts From Strains Dispensary in Perris, CA

We think cannabis is an amazing plant with countless health benefits and we want to share 10 interesting yet less-known cannabis plant facts that might help inform the role of cannabis in your life and potentially help you select the ideal product to treat your presenting ailment effectively yet holistically.


Cannabis Sativa Evolved in the Tropics  

Cannabis Sativa adopted its upward stretch, thinner leaves, and uplifting THC high from evolving in tropical regions with intense heat in an environment defined by intense plant competition. 


Cannabis Indica Evolved in the Hindu Kush Region

Cannabis Indica evolved its shorter, bushier stature and couch-lock heaviness from growing in the harsh mountainous region of the Hindu Kush. 


Cannabis Hybrids

Hybrids are those plants whose genetics are somewhere between true Indica and Sativa. Although a plant geneticist will be quick to point out that almost all cannabis plants today are hybrids, the term is commonly used to describe plants with middle-ground genetics. 


Increased Heart Rate

Studies have confirmed that cannabis can increase heart rate for up to 3 hours after smoking. Although more study is needed to confirm implications, the increase in heart rate may be related to an increased probability of experiencing a heart attack. At Strains Dispensary Perris, we recommend that our older patrons or those with heart disease to introduce cannabis therapies after speaking with a qualified physician.  


Once a Pipe Dream – THC Levels are on the Rise

Cannabis growing technology, breeding methods, knowledge of the plant’s genetics, and not to mention – consumer demand – have created a market by which the potency of cannabis flowers, as evidenced by the percentage of THC, is on the increase. I think that we can all agree that today’s cannabis flower from Strains Dispensary Perris has a quality that was once considered mythical. The frosty flowers that we once could only witness on the cover of a famous 1990’s marijuana magazine are now readily available at Strains Dispensary Perris in a candy-shop-like selection of products that were once a pipe dream.


Effective Treatment for a Range of Ailments

A remarkable feature of Cannabis is producing cannabinoids proven to be effective at treating a huge range of ailments including depression, pain, insomnia, anxiety, and anti-cancer just to name a few!  


Anti-Cancer Cannabis Cannabinoids: THC & CBD 

We can cite research as early as the 1970s finding anti-cancer properties among cannabis cannabinoids with THC & CBD being targets of popular study. THC not only helps with cancer-related insomnia, nausea, and depression, but recent studies have shown that THC & CBD delivered in a 1:1 ratio can be an effective anti-cancer therapy. 


Cannabis, THC & Mental Illness 

Cannabis does come with an increased risk of mental health side effects for those with preexisting mental illness or those prone to experience mood swings, paranoia, anxiety, or depression. Those with mood instability or a mental health diagnosis should consult a qualified practitioner before introducing cannabis therapies.  


The Classic Cannabis Edible Story

It’s a fact that some people trying edibles for the first time take too much because they take a second dose believing that the first dose was ineffective only to find the first edible has yet to kick in. We recommend that first-time edible consumption get paired with significant patience by waiting at least two hours before taking more. 


Strains Dispensary is the Best Dispensary in Perris 

Okay, so we made that up due to slight bias; however, we do operate a quality dispensary with an impressive inventory of cannabis products including flower, edibles, vape cartridges, concentrates, topicals, and all of the gear that you might need on your journey to improved wellbeing. 

Forms of Cannabis

Cannabis Forms

We Carry all Forms of Cannabis at Strains Dispensary of Perris

The friendly and knowledgeable budtenders at Strains Dispensary in Perris routinely help our patients navigate an ever-expanding selection of cannabis products perfect for treating the range of conditions that brings them in.


Also referred to as buds, cannabis flowers have been consumed by humans in various forms from infused beverages to smoking for thousands of years. We sell a full menu of traditional THC cannabis flowers in a healthy selection of cannabinoid ratios to high-CBD flowers with little to no THC for those wanting to escape the THC high. 






Edibles are food-based products infused with cannabinoids. Although most edibles are high in THC, any food or drink product infused with cannabinoids qualifies as an edible. Most edibles contain a high percentage of THC and are sought after for effects, such as relaxation, pain relief, euphoria, increasing appetite, depression, anxiety, and more! However, we also carry high-CBD edibles for those needing CBD and not THC. Note of caution from the knowledgeable budtenders at Strains Dispensary of Perris: take it easy with high-THC edibles and apply conservative dosing when using for the first time.

Concentrates: Oil, Shatter & Butter

Concentrates come in a variety of forms but they ultimately have one important characteristic in common: they all contain significantly high concentrations of THC that fall between 70 and 90% with some isolates now pushing beyond 90%. The key difference between concentrates is their consistency: shatter being hard and brittle; oil being black, thick, and sludgy; and butter being yellow in hue with soft butter-like texture.


Hemp is marijuana’s famous cousin and a phenotype of cannabis Sativa. Hemp is important for industrial use and is the prevalent source of the wildly popular cannabinoid CBD.


Tinctures are cannabis-infused suspensions made by mixing cannabinoids in a diluting agent such as alcohol or vegetable glycerin. Tinctures generally contain higher concentrations of THC or CBD and are consumed via a dropper bottle for accurate dosing.

We Welcome You Into Strains Dispensary of Perris

If you know that a particular cannabis product is best for you, we invite you to consider our full menu of cannabis products featuring all of the common forms, concentrations, and routes of administration. Our customers can rest assured that if they need flowers or another cannabis product, we have the cannabinoid medicine needed in the form desired and in the most-effective concentration that gets the job done.

What is Shatter?

Cannabis THC concentrate

Explanation of Shatter at Strains Dispensary of Perris

At The Dispensary in Perris, our knowledgeable budtenders get asked about shatter every day due to its increasing popularity among patients. Shatter is a popular concentrate class with a special consistency guiding its increasingly popular name. Shatter is a cannabis industry word describing a specific concentrate type defined by its brittle consistency. When you hear ‘dabs’ being discussed, shatter is one of the concentrates that qualify for this route of administration.

Making Shatter

Shatter is produced through the extraction and refinement processes of the cannabis flower and contains a high concentration of THC. The extract and chemical properties of THC cause shatter to have a glass-like consistency that ‘shatters’ easily under pressure similar to hard candy or peanut brittle. Shatter begins as raw oil pulled from the plant and then undergoes a refinement process that enhances the THC’s concentration while removing non-therapeutic ingredients. The end shatter product has a nearly translucent appearance with a light-brown or amber coloration. When it comes to broadly comparing concentrates that have a THC content between 70 and 90%, shatter offers similar potency and effectiveness as others like oil or butter.

Consuming Shatter

As a concentrated form of cannabis, shatter can be administered in a variety of ways perfect for meeting our customers’ unique conditions and treatment needs.

Here is an overview of the most common ways to consume shatter: 

Dab Rig

Taking the scene by storm, dabs have been proven to be an increasingly popular route of shatter administration; requiring a special dab rig, this allows patients to consume their shatter via heated nail and favorite smoking device for rapid uptake of THC.

Adding to a joint

Some of our patients choose to break small pieces of shatter off and place it with the flower inside a joint for maximum relief.

Shatter as the cherry on top of a bowl

Our bowl-loving patients often choose to place a small chunk of shatter on top of their night-time bowl for relaxation, decreased anxiety, and improved sleep.

Vape cartridges

Many vape cartridges begin with a concentrate like shatter that is diluted and contained within a cartridge for easy vaping

The Strains Dispensary Shatter Sales

Shatter itself is a form of highly concentrated THC whose name is derived from the consistency of the product being brittle to touch and shatters when it breaks due to the high THC and low oil content. Shatter is easily differentiated among other concentrates when considering its texture and color: shatter is hard and brittle with a yellow to amber translucent hue.

What is Hemp?

Cannabis Hemp

Hemp Products at Strains Dispensary

Hemp is marijuana’s cousin as a phenotype of the cannabis Sativa plant. Hemp has been used industrially for generations but has recently become a popular source of the sought-after cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD). Hemp is commonly associated with CBD due to the relationship and is the source of the cannabis industry’s high-CBD and low-THC medicines. The CBD-based products at Strains Dispensary in Perris are sourced from the flower that produces CBD and not the hemp seed that does not contain any cannabinoids.

Hemp-based CBD Products

The knowledgeable budtenders at Strains Dispensary of Perris regularly discuss hemp and CBD with patients. The discussion almost always leads to an educational summary of the similarities, differences, and relationships between hemp, cannabis, and CBD. First, CBD is CBD regardless of the plant producing it and the part of the plant producing it.

most popular hemp-based CBD Products


Awesome for medical patients with a special affinity for treating seizure disorders like epilepsy and for reducing anxiety in recreational patients, CBD oil has become wildly popular with our patients seeking CBD relief without the THC high.


High-CBD and low-THC flowers are excellent for those seeking cannabinoid relief without the high. Our Marley Natural Red CBD-rich flower has been proven to be a real crowd-pleaser.


CBD-infused topicals are popular for pain relief and skin treatments including lotions, elixirs, balms, creams, and more!


CBD-infused edibles are often preferred due to their convenience, enjoyable taste, and effectiveness in treating a range of conditions from insomnia, pain, anxiety, and much more!

Hemp and CBD at Strains Dispensary

The CBD in our patients’ favorite ediblesflowers, or topicals was extracted from the plant’s flower. Don’t be confused by the hemp seed oil found at health food stores because despite it having the hemp name, these products do not contain any CBD nor THC as they are made with the hemp seed that does not produce cannabinoids. Rest assured that when you buy a CBD product from us that the CBD was extracted from high-CBD plants grown in a certified facility according to strict quality and safety standards. We also carry high-CBD flowers that contain only trace amounts of THC insufficient to generate the feeling of being high.

How to Keep Your Cannabis Flower Fresh

How to Keep Your Cannabis Flower Fresh

Tips For Keeping Your Cannabis Flower Fresh

When it comes to keeping cannabis fresh, we recommend knowing these flower storage best practices proven to retain cannabinoid potency for lengthy periods:

  • In the Dark Away From Direct Sunlight
  • In a Cool & Dry Location
  • Always in an Air-Tight Glass Container
  • Away From Heat Sources
  • Never in the Freezer or Refrigerator
  • Ideally Not in Plastic (Baggy or Container)

Storing Cannabis Flower and Free Air Exchange

When cannabis flower is stored in an environment with free air exchange, it exposes the therapeutic cannabinoids held within the plant to the elements. Cannabis flowers stored in a dry environment with free air exchange will allow the plant to dry out, and the cannabinoids that our customers need will begin breaking down as the flower loses its freshness.

Conversely, flowers stored in a damp environment will invite mold growth to take over the plant material, and nobody wants to consume moldy flower. The most important feature of an excellent cannabis storage container is that it is air-tight, effectively preventing free air exchange while preserving the coveted cannabinoids.

Air-Tight Glass Storage

At Strains Dispensary in Perris, CA, we are often asked about the best storage methods to keep cannabis flower fresh. The objective of cannabis storage is to protect the cannabinoids held in the flower such as THC and CBD so that they have the same therapeutic effect as the day of purchase. For personal storage, we recommend that our customers consider these air-tight storage strategies:

  • Glass Mason Jars – plastic storage containers are not recommended for long-term storage due to concerns with plastic leaching as well as allowing free air exchange. Plastic is also prone to static that can cause potent trichomes to stick and reduce potency.
  • Specialized Commercial Units – there are many companies that sell stylish storage devices ranging in materials, such as glass, wood, and stainless steel. Many of these options include a humidor function that keeps cannabis flower fresh; however, we never recommend using a tobacco humidor due to the common use of cedar, which can transfer unwanted essential oils to cannabis.
  • Air-tight Bags – especially useful for travel, air-tight bags come in a variety of non-plastic materials that offer the same air-tight protection as a sealed glass jar.

CBD Explained

CBD Explained

CBD Explained: What is CBD?

CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, a natural non-psychoactive compound found within cannabis and hemp plants. CBD is a safe and non-addictive substance. CBS is often mentioned alongside THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), although the two have very different side effects. Even though THC and CBD have the same molecular count, it is the slight rearrangement of atoms that cause different interactions and outcomes. CBD has taken the cannabis industry by storm recently due to its significant health benefits and reduced risk profile. CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors but does not create the feeling of being high. Thought recent studies, CBD carries a significant appeal to those seeking effective health and medical interventions but not any psychoactive effects.

CBD Health Benefits

The medical community has shown a serious interest in CBD as an effective treatment for epilepsy. It has shown to help reduce the number of seizures, and in many cases, have stopped seizures altogether. CBD is also used for mental health conditions whereby a cannabinoid can help the patient’s condition. We also have many clients that choose a CBD intervention for their pain and insomnia.

Given the safe risk profile, effectiveness, and popularity, it is clear that CBD offers an attractive therapy for medical and recreational clients alike.

Our CBD Products

CBD-rich Flower

If you enjoy smoking but want to rule out the THC high, we carry CBD flower in a 10:1 CBD to THC ratio.

CBD Vape Cartridges

Perfect for our vape-enthusiast clients, we carry high-CBD vape cartridges with reduced THC content in a variety of ratios perfect for meeting our clients’ individual CBD needs.

CBD Tinctures

Get your CBD in an easy-to-administer liquid suspension by choosing one of our many CBD tincture products.

CBD Capsules

For easy consumption, our capsules products containing CBD offer our clients a capsule-based route of administration.