The Best Weed Smoking Pipes
Joints and pipes have their fans, but bongs have long been popular with stoners looking to light up. While marijuana smoke burns at roughly the same temperature as tobacco smoke, you need to hold weed smoke in your lungs to access the THC high. A bong, which uses water or another liquid to cool and filter the weed smoke, can provide a more comfortable smoking experience.
Picking the right bong is a balancing act – smaller bongs use less water, resulting in hotter, harsher smoke. Bigger isn’t always better, though. A large bong means a large bowl to pack, which may lead to you consuming more THC than you want to. At Strains Dispensary, you can browse the bongs that we have available and talk with a budtender to pick out the perfect one for you.
Marijuana Safety and Health
Does a bong really filter smoke? Yes and no – the water in a bong traps any ash and embers from burning weed, leading to a cooler and more pleasant rip. It may also catch other substances that can irritate your lungs. A bong can’t filter out carbon monoxide or other dangerous gasses, however. If you’re concerned about your lung health, consider edibles like those at Strains Dispensary.

Shop Bongs for Sale at Dispensary Near Riverside
There’s an almost endless array of bongs on the market: different materials like glass, acrylic, and silicone, as well as different types such as ice or percolator. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t fret; Strains budtenders are always happy to answer your questions.
For weed flower, smoking accessories, and more, come to Strains Dispensary near Riverside. We offer great specials, a generous rewards program, and a free app that makes getting high easier than ever. Contact us with any questions.