Learn How Long a Weed High Lasts With Strains Dispensary
It’s safe to say that the high you experience from smoking weed typically lasts in the vicinity of 1-4 hours. That being said–a cautious and curious approach to consuming THC products is probably the best way to enjoy it. Through curiosity and caution, you’ll find that cannabis isn’t a plant that produces a uniform response in all people. Weed is highly personal, interacting with different body chemistries in different ways. Keep reading to learn more about how and why weed highs can vary drastically from individual to individual.
Main Factors in Predicting The Length and Intensity of a Weed High
When you’re trying to gauge how long your high might last, keep in mind the following parameters that can dictate how you respond to any given THC product:- The variant of weed that you’re smoking (sative, indica, or hybrid–some affect you more or less so)
- Your biochemistry (metabolic rate, general THC tolerance, weight, etc..)
- The medium of THC you’re consuming (flower, hash, dab, vape, cannabis drinks, edibles, etc..)
- Whether you’re mixing substances (alcohol, prescription medication, hallucinogens, etc.*)

Explore THC Products Near Hemet For Top Quality Weed
Our easy-to-reach dispensary near Hemet has a wide variety of products that cater to your unique biochemistry and personality! We also offer regular weed specials for an array of products. Contact us to experiment, relax, and have fun with THC!
*Strains never recommends mixing substances while consuming our products at any time. Speak with your healthcare professional before conysming our products, especially if you take other medications or use other substances.