What is Dabbing?
Dab Rigs Overview
Dab rigs are specialized devices for consuming cannabis concentrates. They are similar to traditional bongs but instead have a dome that closes where the concentrate is placed for smoking. They also have an element that needs to be heated manually or electronically, depending upon the nail type. Some dab rigs require a nail or banger to be heated with a blowtorch. More high-tech rigs are equipped with an electric nail featuring precise temperature adjustment. The concentrate is placed against a heated nail where it rapidly melts with the vapor inhaled.
How to Choose the Best Dab Rig for You
It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the variety of dab rigs on the market today. And we understand at Strains Dispensary Perris, CA that new terms like “nails,” “domes” and “reburn” can be intimidating. Base-level dab rigs have three basic pieces in the nail, glass piece, and torch lighter. The nail is heated and pressed against the concentrate to create the vapor inhaled. Nails can be made of ceramic, glass, titanium, and quartz. Although some prefer a specific material, they do the same job and what is best comes down to individual preferences as none affect flavor. The nail material only influences how long it takes to heat and cool down.
We recommend a domed nail for first-timers because they generally require less maintenance but come with less airflow. Domeless nails require more upkeep and cleaning but deliver enhanced airflow. Domed nails heat faster because they are smaller. Unless you go the more high-tech route and want an electric nail, you will need a torch to heat the nail. We don’t recommend butane because it heats too quickly. A smaller torch and manageable flame avoid heating the rig’s glass. The best dab rig for you will come down to personal preferences. If the expense isn’t a restriction, high-end dab rigs with an electric nail offer convenience and precise heating without heating the nail manually with a torch. Be sure to experiment, discuss with friends, and ask one of the friendly and knowledgeable budtenders about your options on your next visit to Strains Dispensary Perris, CA.